Friday, December 16, 2016

নতুন এর মত ফোরাম সাইট বানান নিজেই ওয়াপকাতে। part-7

চের নির্দেশনা অনুসারে কাজ করুন।

Edit Site==Global Settings==Private Chat

এখন নিচের মত কাজ করুন।
Private messages function

* Enable private messages: √ দিন
* Allow smilies in messages: 
* Allow icons in messages set √ দিন
* Enable WCODE (about WCODE):  √ দিন
* Enable quick reply:  √ দিন
* Display original message in reply
textarea:  √ দিন
* Enable archive:  √ দিন
* Enable SPAM reporting:  √ দিন
* Disable subject:  √ দিন
* Display links "Back" and "Back on site":  √ দিন
* Enable SPAM black list (set):  √ দিন
* Allow change color of the text (set): 
* Length of subject in messages: 
* Length of body in messages: [inpu=text]5000'>
* Maximum messages in inbox (10 - 100): 
* Maximum messages in outbox(10-50): 
* Maximum messages in trash (10 - 200):
* Maximum messages in archive (10-500): 
* Remove message older than (1-90)days: 
* Site displayed (site ID) after new PM was sent (leave emtpy for default site): 
* Maximal count of multiple recipients (user1,user2,user3,...): 
* Time format (syntax)*: 

Inform about new message:
-in forum:  √ দিন
-in sites: 

Friends function

* Enable Friends list: 
* Send PM with notification if manual accepting is enabled (set): 
* Manually accept new friends (default value): 
Inform about logged friend: 
-in forum: 
-in sites: 

POP-UP messages

* Enable POP-UP messages:  √ দিন
* Enable SPAM black list (set):  √ দিন
* Allow smilies in messages:  √ দিন
* Allow icons in messages set (shared with PM):  √ দিন
* Enable WCODE (about WCODE):  √ দিন
* Block messages from blocked users (blocked in priv. messages list):  √ দিন
* Site displayed (site ID) after new POP-UP was sent (leave emtpy for default option): 

Form of info message about new
POP-UP message:

*-for one unread message (variables:
%url%, %usr%, %tusr%, %txt%):

* -for more unread message (variables: %url%, %n%):

Display new POP-UP message:
-in forum: 
-in sites: 



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